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Need worklow to compare 3 different excel files

7 - Meteor



I have 3 different excel files. need to compare all 3 and see for each employee ID there is a variance Vs Concur sample data file.


In Summary I need to Compare Concur Sample data file with Travel and Wellness files and identify the variances in amount as per Employee ID.



12 - Quasar

The easiest way to compare three files when they have a column that has like or same data in all three (Employee ID in this case) is to join them on Employee ID. Since you're wanting to compare all three to each other, I used the Join Multiple tool. Because the data type of Employee ID in the Sample concur data file is a Double and in the other files it is V_String, I used the Select tool after Sample concur data.xlsx to change the data type of Employee ID to match the other two as V_String. If you try to join fields that are different general data types, such as String (V_String, VW_String, WString, String) vs Numeric (Int, Double, etc.), you will get an error saying that string fields can only be joined to string fields.

Comparing 3 Files.PNGComparing 3 Files -- Join Mult Config.PNG

7 - Meteor

Thank you so much !

