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Error Opening File - Blob Tool Gallery Bug

11 - Bolide

Summary: The blob input tool within my chained app batch macro continually generated a false error when ran on Gallery: "Error Opening the file" even though the workflow itself was completing all of the tasks. Disabling the AMP engine and removing my control containers within the macro resolved the problem when running on Gallery.


Workflow Description: A chained app with a batch macro. Within the batch macro there are blob tools that are used to generate and update a file without ever leaving the macro. There is a separate macro output for feeding other data to email tools outside of the macro.


Error Description: Error Opening the file "Record #1: Tool#62(blob input): \\excel_file_path_here : The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect (123) (ToolId:-1)


Solution: Disable AMP engine and remove the control containers, replacing them with terrible block until done tools.


Keywords: Blob input, blob output, gallery, batch macro, error opening file, bug, chained app


Will someone tag Alteryx folks for me so they are aware of this issue?


Very similar problem from 2022:

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @tristank ,


I suggest you open a ticket through the case portal ( > Case Management) and tag it as a bug. They usually request a sample workflow showing the issue happening.


If they can recreate the issue in their environment, it will be tagged as a bug, and you will get an update when it is fixed, which is really cool.



Fernando Vizcaino

11 - Bolide

@fmvizcaino thanks I wasn't sure of the process but I will do that!