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How can I submit a new macro to the Wrangle Exchange?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thank you for your interest in submitting Macros onto Wrangle Exchange.

Please provide the following information and submit the Macro onto this thread. Trifacta will validate the submitted Macros and then add it on Wrangle Exchange.


  • Macro Title / Description / Overview
    • Brief writeup on what the macro does, best fit (use case) applicability, and other key highlights or features or disclaimers about its functionality
  • What version of Trifacta was this created on?
  • Macro code (recipe)
  • Screenshot (showcase macro in use)
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Here is an example of Macro Submission:


Macro Title / Description / Overview:

Title: Convert Excel Julian date format to Standard date format

Desc: This macro takes a date formatted in Excel Julian style (e.g. 2011001 to represent January 1, 2011) and converts it to a user-specified standard date format.


  Source column: The column containing the Julian date. Data in the column must be 7 digits long, with the first 4 digits representing the year and the last 3 digits representing the elapsed days in that year.

  Output column name: Enter the desired name for your output column containing the formatted dates.

  Desired output date format: Enter the desired output date format. Be sure to include quotes around the date format. E.g. 'yyyy-MM-dd' 

Note: This does not work for astronomical Julian dates.


What version of Trifacta was this created on?

Trifacta Version 6.8.1


Macro code (Recipe) & Screenshot Attached.