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Connecting to LinkedIn, Google Analytics and YouTube. Issue.

6 - Meteoroid



I was trying to use some of the connectors that are available (some through early availability) and I wasn't able to get into any of them (see error below). The authentication worked out fine, but if I were to guess this has something to do with my licensing? There wasn't a ton about this error message online.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Good morning Treyson,


I did research this internally. Could you please verify you don't have any MetaMask or any other web3 wallets extension?

If so, could you please disable them and try saving again?


Thank you

6 - Meteoroid

WOW! That was exactly the issue. For reference I had MetaMask and CoinBase.


I am curious about persisting credentials. So we created the connections to YT and GA through the Google OAuth2.0 option, but it seems that that authentication resets when I actually try to bring it into a flow. Does the authentication credentials have to be the same as the credentials you are using in Trifacta?


A system error occurred: Could not get Connection for extracting meta-data; nested exception is org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Unable to set OAuth related connection properties