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Exporting as array when using Hive as a destination

Hi everyone,


both Trifacta and Hive support the Array type, however when exporting to Hive arrays are always converted into strings (see attached screenshots).

As I intensively use the array type, I have to process all my tables with python to reconvert strings into array (i.e. rewrangle wrangled tables!)

Is there a way to keep this array type ? Otherwise this would be a must-have feature to develop.


I'm using Trifacata enterprise 5.1.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello Mickael, let me look into this and I will let you know the next steps.


Thanks Gina

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello Mickael, this is the intended behavior as mentioned in the following, "NOTE: You cannot append to Hive map and array column types from Trifacta columns of Map and Array type, even if you imported data from this source."


I have filed a feature request #3876363 on your behalf so that the product team understands your requirement.

Thanks Gina!

Let's hope the product team will consider this feature valuable ;-)