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Flow 1 (recipe A, recipe B, recipe C) ==> Flow 2 (recipe X, recipe Y). Recipe X of Flow 2 should start running if recipe C of Flow 1 completed withour error. How to schedule it?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Nataliya Yevtukh? you can achieve this by creating and configuring webhook tasks.


Please select Product Documentation tab from above and login to Enterprise v6.8. Alternatively, you can also access documentation from the product by choosing the ? link from the left corner. Sharing links to achieve this ask



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @Nataliya Yevtukh? .


The above mentioned request is part of upcoming release version 7.1. By defining plans, you can define the sequence and dependency of flows. Let us know if you want to know more regarding that.





Nitin Grewal, thank you! When version 7.1 is planning to be roll out? Is it possible to have a session to go through this process? Will appreciate your help

Another question - Flow 1 (recipe A) was defined with output recides on Hive as "Create a new table with a timestamp appended to the name". Flow2 (recipe X) should use output from recipe A. How to define input into recipe X considering presence of timestamp?