Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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How do I extract the values of a key in JSON ?

I have a JSON file, which contains something like


  "createdAt": "2017-12-15T08:47:11.484Z",

  "updatedAt": "2017-12-15T08:47:11.484Z",

  "updatedBy": "administrator"



How do I get the keys in to a column, for example create columns "createdAt", "updatedAt" and "updatedBy" and populate it with the content of each key ?

8 - Asteroid

You can use a two step process

1) flatten the data and set the type to "map"

2) use unnest to create columns based on specific key-value pairs


A great example can be found in the KB, type in the search bar "un-nesting JSON" and select the article that shows up

Thanks, the referenced KB is great and does the trick.

In my case I had to use simple the unnesting , was very easy and straight forward.
