Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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How to not create output file when filter shows no results?

5 - Atom

I have a filter looking fro null values in a column, i want to create an output file if there are null values but no file is created if the filter returns no results. Whats the best way to build this?


Hi @s_r_7,


Unfortunately this is not currently possible in Designer Cloud. I understand that it is possible in Designer Desktop, though, so chances are good that as Designer Cloud matures and more features are added, this will be added too. Great feedback!







7 - Meteor

To prevent creating an output file when a filter shows no results, you can implement a conditional check in your code before creating the output file. Depending on the programming language or tool you're using, the specific implementation may vary, but the general idea is to check if there are any results before proceeding to create the output file.

Let's break down the steps:

  1. Apply your filter to the data, which will give you a set of results.
  2. Check if the results are not empty.
  3. If there are results, proceed to create the output file with the filtered data.
  4. If there are no results, display a message indicating that no results were found, and skip the creation of the output file.


5 - Atom

That sounds like a good idea. To implement it what would be the tools used and the formula applied? Can this be done in the designer cloud with the tools available there?