Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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Profiling only

8 - Asteroid

Is there a way to create a recipe or a job to just performs Data Profiling, nothing else? The Data Profile is very rich to my process in order to assess data quality from data assets.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi - Profile results can be downloaded from Profile tab in job details tab as JSON or PDF.

JSON can be imported to dataprep as a dataset and further wrangled.

once new recipe is added, change datatype of the json column to object and unnest the object columns to new columns from suggestions.

8 - Asteroid

ok so the answer is NO, the profiling will just be available if I perform a recipe. It´s not possible to only profile the dataset without any wrangling, right?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

One can think of creating an empty recipe without steps and output the results.

Profiling is a job in itself. It forms an integral part of JobGroup(technical term) like Transform, Ingest and Publish jobs of a JobGroup.