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What does MissingPersonException means in Trifacta?

Hi Team, I'm currently trying to invoke API endpoints locally where Trifacta running in Whenever I make an API call (http://localhost:3005) with / without API token. I'm getting "{"exception":{"name":"MissingPersonException","message":"Person is missing"}, I have ensured given all require params/payload. It was tested in both curl and python requests, but no luck.


  • curl 'https://localhost:3005/v4/flows' -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
  • curl 'https://localhost:3005/v4/flows' -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I am assuming - you are replacing the localhost with the right host of your instance.


Apart from that, can you check if user for whom access token is being used, is enabled and valid user

thanks Nitin, I'm trying to access this API where Trifacta is currently running on. I'm the user who have access to both Trifacta portal and server where it is running. I believe we really dont need to rely on API token if we trying to access the API within the same host where Trifacta running.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The API token is needed to authenticate the user as different users can have different permission. Hence, I would recommend using a valid access token .

Thanks Nitin, I tried with valid access token which was generated from the Trifacta console and tried to access API endpoint, getting the same error.