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How to use output string field as header in post api

7 - Meteor

I have a workflow that uses a post API to generate a field called "code". I need to use that code field as a header in a separate API download tool. Is that possible somehow? 


In the pictures below you can see the result of my workflow to generate my code value and in the second picture you can see how I want to use that outputted code value as a header in my download tool for a rest API, in the picture I had to type it in manually but is there a wat to store the result of my flow to use that as a header in my download tool?


I've attached the sample workflow also




14 - Magnetar

try building an macro around where you can update the values using the list.

just made changes for reference

7 - Meteor

Hi @Raj how did you get the update value tool to name and value as header options?inf3.PNG

I'm trying to recreate it on my own, but that part is showing up blank for me, I don't get how the update value tool is picking up / linked to the values in the first workflow output



14 - Magnetar

give an input to download tool

hope this helps

14 - Magnetar

@AbdulBalogun Please mark this done if the issue is resolved
