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Chained App - Show Results on Succes and Run Another Analytic App

7 - Meteor

Dear Community,


I am struggling with the problem with Alteryx Gallery.


I'm trying to do chain app with two workflows but I cannot show-up the intermediate results to the user.


I've chosen both: Run another Analytic App and Show Results.




Unfortunately my workflow is going straight forward from first workflow to the second without showing the intermediate results to the user.


I tried lot of ways to fix it but no one did not work (with yxdb files, render tool, browse tool, xlsx file and so on).


Thank you in advance for your help.



7 - Meteor

Yes, I know. 


Perhaps, as I wrote in first message I tried it with .pdf file, .xlsx file and .yxdb file as an outputs :)

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Yes correct, as I know there is no way I am aware of that you can keep it chained and show pdf in-between step you can wait for others response.



16 - Nebula

Did you found a solution for that? I am having the same problem, i need to show some render data between the first and the second app, but it just works on alteryx designer.

7 - Meteor

The second App's ListBox (or my preference a Tree) can reference the .yxdb created in Step 1.  You would  need to use a relative path in the second app to reference the .yxdb.  


For example, I have a 3 step chained app,  the user selects a state in the first App which is used to load a .yxdb, the second app uses the .yxdb to display a Tree interface of LeaseIDs/Vendors relevant to the state selected in the first step.   The third step, processes the data based upon the values entered by the user in the first two steps.   The state input in the first step, speeds the process up because the query used to build the tree only queries for a specific state vs all states.


Sorry for my long delayed response, trying to troubleshoot my own issue and stumbled upon this.