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Salesforce installation issue

11 - Bolide

Hi All, 


We're facing the following error "E:\AlteryxServer\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\Common_Config\Wheels is ignored" while installing Sales Force Input Tool V4.2.4 in our Alteryx Designer. Please help us out with the installation of the Salesforce Input tool.



Ariharan R

14 - Magnetar

See if this solves your issue:

1) Download this zip file of SalesForce input tool. It's around 42.6 mb. Note this is for v.4.1.0.

Direct link :

2) Extract the zip to the  Tools directory. This can be in :-  %ProgramData%\Alteryx\Tools\

For me exact location was "C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools"

3) Restart/re-open Alteryx Designer. The Salesforce Input tool will now appear in the 'Connectors Tools' section, OR, you can directly search for same.