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"Publish to Tableau Server" Tool on Alteryx Server App returns error

8 - Asteroid

Hello all,


I'm trying to use the Publish to Tableau Server tool within an app on Alteryx server.


The problem is that the Publish to Tableau Server tool (in designer) will first write the data into my C drive (as seen in the image). 




Resulting in error on App:

Error opening the file "Tool #227: C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Engine\Engine_7536_4db0e047066d5040aed74227a079e4ee_\XXXXXXX.hyper": The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (123) (ToolId: -1)


Is there any way to write it to the same shared folder? I tried to point temporary files to the right folder (Configuration --> Run Time --> Temporary Files) but the Publish to Tableau tool still writes to C drive.



I noticed that the app actually DOES publish the data to Tableau Online and also export the file as an .xlsx as intended. However, the app returns an error.


Hey @JonathanAllenby , sorry for the late response.


With respect to this behavior where the Publish to Tableau Server tool throws the somewhat misleading error at writing the .hyper file to temporary directory (C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Engine) "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (123)", a defect has been filed (GENG-2763) and added to the development backlog. At this time I can't provide timeline for any potential fix, and defects are often reprioritized alongside other development efforts.

As a workaround, apart from disabling the AMP engine on the workflow, I would suggest trying our newer Tableau Output tool instead. Reason being that the Publish to Tableau Server is going to be deprecated in future, and the Tableau Output tool will be its replacement.

Ken L.

Customer Support Engineer
Alteryx, Inc.

8 - Asteroid

I'm running into the exact same issue while using the latest version of the tool. Disabling the AMP engine does the trick, however it makes the workflow run extremely slowly. Hoping this will be fixed soon!


Hi @m_v , a fix for this issue is currently targeted for the 2022.3 release. I would also suggest using our newer Tableau Output tool instead, because the Publish to Tableau Server tool has been deprecated, which means that going forward, there won't be further fixes to the tool.





Ken L.

Customer Support Engineer
Alteryx, Inc.

8 - Asteroid

I was having the same problem and then found out that the version of "Tableau output" tool that I was using was different from the version that we have on the server. Once I installed the correct version, it all worked. 

5 - Atom

My Workflow is now running in BLD Server after disabling the AMP Engine on my workflow. Thank you so much!!!