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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Very often, I used a container to make notes about certain parts of the workflow. Some of the comments that I created are pretty long. Could the user have the possibility to have at least rows for the title of the container?



I have created a screen to show what I have in mind. Potentially users could have the ability to turn this option on or inside the container?



Please add official support for newer versions of Microsoft SQL Server and the related drivers.


According to the data sources article for Microsoft SQL Server (, and validation via a support ticket, only the following products have been tested and validated with Alteryx Designer/Server:


Microsoft SQL Server

Validated On: 2008, 2012, 2014, and 2016.

  • No R versions are mentioned (2008 R2, for instance)
  • SQL Server 2017, which was released in October of 2017, is notably missing from the list.
  • SQL Server 2019, while fairly new (~6 months old), is also missing

This is one of the most popular data sources, and the lack of support for newer versions (especially a 2+ year old product like Sql Server 2017) is hard to fathom.


ODBC Driver for SQL Server/SQL Server Native Client

Validated on ODBC Driver: 11, 13, 13.1

Validated on SQL Server Native Client: 10,11

Where it stands now, only a file input tool can be used to pull data from Google BigQuery tables. The issue here is that the data is streamed and processed locally, meaning the power of BigQuery processing isn't actually being leveraged.

Adding BigQuery In-Database as a connection option would appeal to a wide audience. BigQuery is also standard SQL compliant with the SQL 2011 standard, so this may make for an even easier integration.

Would it be possible to update the SalesForce input tool to support API version 49 or later.

Changes were made to the way recurring events are handled in the SalesForce lightning update and the current salesforce input connector does not include all events when extracting.

It would be nice to have Directory tool working for ftp. I would like to have the list of files on a ftp server including sub folders

Hello all,

Here is a very, very simple idea :

just having the right to put a minimum length to Text Pre-processing
Why ? A lot of words (especially in French) with 1 or 2 characters does not change the meaning, the sentiment: la, le, à, un, une, etc... In English : in, the, etc..


Best regards,


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