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How to marge two data sets?

10 - Fireball

Hi everyone,


I have two time series data sets. The first one contains all the historical values and need to be updated. The second data set contains new values as well as some historical values (corrections) that differ from the historical values contained in the first data set. The idea is to update the first data set with the new values and to replace the "new" historical values contained in the first data set (you can think of it as a correction made in a second moment).


How can I achieve that? How can I replace the value contained in the first data set with the ones in the second data set?


To give you an idea, I would like to drop all the rows of the first data set whose date is contained also in the second data set..


Thank you :)

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

My pleasure @Daniel Zito?, glad it works! I guess you selected your comment as Best Answer :-D but no worries :)