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I have a flow parameter called 'clientName'. I also have parametized destinations that use the parameter name 'clientName' with default value of clientName. Will these inherit the value from the main flow clientName parameter?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Nick,


You will need to resolve value of parameters that share the same name when you run the job if they have different values. Take this example for instance:



I have two "clientName" parameters with two different values (default values). In this case, I would need to specify which value "clientName" should resolve to once I run the job.


In the run job dialog, you will find a "Variables" section near the bottom which lets you specify what value the "clientName" parameter should resolve to (this can also be done if you are running the job via the API):



Alternatively, you can specify an override in the "Manage parameters" dialog which effectively does the same thing:



Edit: Fixed screenshots!