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Opening and reading Zip file

7 - Meteor

Hi community,


I am trying to resolve problem with my alteryx workflow regarding to zip files.


First of all, I wanted to open xlsx file from zip but during choosing the exact file I cannot choose the exact sheet (please find screenshot below).




Do you know what could cause this problem?


Thank you in advance for your support.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Are you able to upload a copy of the data?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This is the format for a zipped excel file in the Input Data tool. You can type the fullpath with filename and sheet name in this format in the file path at the top in the Input Data tool.






7 - Meteor

Unfortunately no

7 - Meteor

When I wrote the full path in the first row it results in such an error:




Do you know why I cannot specify a sheet as normally in xlsx file? Or where can I do this to read some of sheets?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

That typically means that the Summary sheet doesn't exist, or is corrupt.


Try this:


Create a new Excel file with some dummy data in a sheet.

Zip it.

Drag the zipped file onto your canvas.


It should create an input data tool that points to your zipped file and you should be able to select the Excel file and then the sheet name, like this:




I've attached the zipped file I used in my example. If this works for you then the problem is not with Alteryx.


7 - Meteor

You are right, when I am using your test file it works. Do you know what could cause this problem? It is possible that xlsx file with few sheets cannot be read?

7 - Meteor

Okay, I found the solution. When I deleted all sheets except one, it works on my "Summary" sheet. Thank you for your support!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @MK97pro 


I tried a zipped file with multiple sheets and was able to extract them - see attached file.


I would try a couple of things.


1. Manually unzip the file and see if the Input Data tool can load the sheets.

2. Try a different zipping process - I used 7-zip.
