Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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Is there a limitation of referenced recipes that can be used? I need to automate a complex transformation so I designed different Modules. Executing them separately they work properly, but when I reference each other the process gives an error.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Victor,


there is no explicit limit to the number of referenced recipes you can use. if you could send the error message you are receiving and any additional context to, they can take a look at the error you are seeing and give you steps to resolve the issue or diagnose it as a product bug.




and is there any kind of limitation of the number of steps that can be executed?? I think that due to dataflow there is a limit in the number of steps that can de done

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi, Victor--


I don't think that there is a single hard limit on steps, although long recipes can certainly cause overflow memory conditions and job failures.


If you are experiencing these problems, you can try to break up your recipe into multiple recipes. The key is to have the outputs generated from one recipe become the input datasets for the next recipe. Run a job on the first recipe to generate the outputs. Then, when the outputs have been generated, run a job on the second recipe to generate outputs. I would do this only if you are experiencing issues.


General tip: if it's getting hard to debug a recipe, it could be a good time to break it up.


